Muscle and Skeletal Systems

Muscle System

  • Functions
    • support, mobility
      • Support = muscles maintain your posture when you sit/stand, muscles also stabilize joints, help prevent dislocations.
      • Mobility = you move because of skeletal muscles. Your guts move because of smooth muscles. Your blood flow because of pumping action of the heart.
    • peripheral circulatory assistance
      • Heart is a muscle that pumps blood.
      • Contraction of skeletal muscles around the deep veins help squeeze the blood through those veins.
      • Diaphragm contraction (breathing) sucks blood into the chest cavity, and also squeezes on abdominal veins.
    • thermoregulation (shivering reflex)
      • Muscles generate heat when you shiver in response to cold.
  • Structural characteristics of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle; striated vs nonstriated
    muscle types
    • Skeletal muscle = striated, voluntary, shaped like long fibers, multinucleated.
    • Smooth muscle = nonstriated, involuntary, shaped like almonds (tapered ends), one nucleus per cell.
    • Cardiac muscle = striated, involuntary, branched, shaped like fibers cross-linked to one another, typically one nucleus per cell.
    • Striated = due to sarcomere structure (A bands dark, I bands light). Skeletal and cardiac muscles have sarcomeres.
    • Nonstriated = smooth muscles don't have sarcomeres so they're not striated. They still have myosin, actin, and use the sliding filament mechanism. They just are not organized into sarcomeres.
    • Read more about sarcomeres here.
  • Nervous control
    • motor neurons = efferent neurons = signals muscles/organs to do stuff = the opposite of sensory neurons.
      • Somatic motor neurons = controls skeletal muscles.
      • Autonomic motor neurons = sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions = controls involuntary (smooth, cardiac) muscles.
    • neuromuscular junctions, motor end plates
      neuromuscular junction showing axon terminal and motor end plate
      • neuromuscular junction = nerve (axon terminal) meets muscle (motor end plate).
      • motor end plate = part of muscle cell membrane (sarcolemma) that synapse with the motor neuron, has receptors for the neurotransmitters.
      • what happens at the neuromuscular junction? Action potential of nerve reach axon terminal → release neurotransmitters into synapse → receptors on motor end plate (sarcolemma) picks this signal → graded potential created → if reaches threshold, then action potential created → action potential travels down the sarcolemma and cause muscle to contract.
    • voluntary and involuntary muscles
      • voluntary = you can control = skeletal muscles, eg. Biceps.
      • involuntary = you can't control = smooth (eg. gut) and cardiac (heart) muscles.
    • sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation
      • sympathetic = fight or flight = heart beat faster, pupil dilation, raise blood pressure, blood to muscles, less blood to digestive system.
      • parasympathetic = rest and digest = opposite of sympathetic = heart slower, pupil constriction, lower blood pressure, blood to digestive system.
      • Both sympathetic and parasympathetic are motor neurons that innervate involuntary muscles.

Skeletal System

  • Functions
    • structural rigidity and support: bone forms the body's framework.
    • calcium storage: bone stores calcium. When blood calcium is low, parathyroid hormones signal bone tissue to break down and release calcium.
    • physical protection: rib cage protects internal organs. Skull protects brain. Spine protects spinal cord. Many large bones also shelter bone marrow that contains stem cells that make blood.
  • Skeletal structure
    • specialization of bone types, structures
      • Long bones: shaped like a rod. eg. arm, leg, finger bones.
      • Short bones: shaped like a cube. eg. wrist, ankle bones.
      • Flat bones: bones that are flat. eg. sternum, shoulder blades, ribs, skull.
      • Irregular bones: complicated shapes. eg. vertebrae, hip.
    • joint structures
      • Joint = where bone meets bone.
      • Joints can be mobile or non-mobile.
        • Mobile joints (synovial) have a fluid-containing cavity to lubricate movements of the bones.
        • Non-mobile joints connect bone to bone with cartilage or fiber.
      • Ball and socket joint: shoulder, hip.
      • Hinge joint: elbow.
      • Gliding joint: wrist.
      • Immobile joint: plates of the skull, rib-to-sternum.
      • The joint type that allows most freedom of movement = ball-and-socket.
    • endoskeleton versus exoskeleton
      • Endoskeleton = what we have, skeleton on the inside.
      • Exoskeleton = what insects have, skeleton (chitin) on the outside.
  • Cartilage (structure and function)
    • Cartilage = cells + extracellular matrix.
    • Cartilage cells = chondrocytes.
    • Extracellular matrix = secreted by the cells, contains fiber meshworks that give the cartilage its characteristic properties (flexibility and resilience)
    • Functions
      • Flexibility: ear, nose, epiglottis, end of ribs
      • Resilience, compressibility: Ends of bones in joints, knee, between vertebrae.
  • Ligaments, tendons
    • Ligament = connect bone to bone, stabilize joints.
    • Tendon = connect muscle to bone, anchors muscle.
  • Bone structure
    bone structure
    • Macroscopically: bone = solid strucuture with canals inside where blood vessel runs, and holes where cells can reside, the whole thing surrounded by membrane that contains stem cells (osteoblasts) and osteoclasts.
    • Microscopically: bone = cell + extracellular matrix = arranged in cylinders called osteons, with blood vessel and nerve running through the middle of the cylinder.
    • Cell = osteocytes (bone cells).
    • calcium-protein matrix: the extracellular matrix of bone consists of calcium salts, collagen fibers, and ground substance (glue).
    • bone growth (osteoblasts, osteoclasts)
      bone growth and remodelling
      • Growth in length:
        • Lengthwise bone growth occurs at the ends of long bones at the knobs.
        • Osteoblasts' role in lengthwise bone growth is to add bone tissue at the bone ends.
        • By itself, osteoblasts will lengthen the knobs at the ends of the bone.
        • Osteoclasts' role in bone growth is to remodel bone tissue by chipping away the knobs until it's the right size and shape.
      • Growth in diameter:
        • Osteoblasts' role in diameter growth of bones is to add bone tissue to the outside of the bone.
        • Osteoclasts' role in diameter growth of bones is to remove some bone tissue from the inside of the bone (bones are hollow).
        • Without osteoclasts, diameter growth will result in bones that are too thick and too heavy. Even with osteoclasts, bones still grow thicker, just not unwieldly thick.
    • Osteoblasts vs osteoclasts vs osteocytes
      • Osteoblasts = stem cells that give rise to osteocytes = builds bone.
      • Osteocytes = mature bones cells = reside in bone for housekeeping.
      • Osteoclasts = large cells that break down bone.